ПродуктЦени с ДДС: на едроклиент В наличностCALIBER 87735 Belt Pulley, crankshaft - TDBolt Hole Circle Ø: 42mmØ: 146mmNumber of Holes: 4Number of ribs: 5Width: 29,5mm GOOM CP-0067 заменими Belt Pulley, crankshaft - TD Ø: 146mmDriven Units: AlternatorInner Diameter: 42mmNumber of ribs: 5Outer Diameter: 162mmTotal height: 29,5mmWidth: 26mm MC 4718 заменими Belt Pulley, crankshaft - TD Ø: 153mmDriven Units: AlternatorInner Diameter: 42mmNumber of ribs: 5Vibration: with vibration damperWeight: 2100gWeight: 2,1kgWidth: 30mm